Our Commitment
In cooperation projects with
Tierschutzverein für Berlin und Umgebung Corporation e.V. and
Deutscher Tierschutzbund e.V. [German Animal Welfare Federation], we
helped to improve the housing conditions of some groups of confiscated
primates and to transfer some individuals to the Dutch sanctuary
Stichting AAP in Almere. Contributors: Anja Pfadenhauer, MSc and
Melanie Büchner, MSc.
Animal Welfare
Despite international treaties and national laws on conservation and
illegal trade in the European countries, nonhuman primates are still being
kept as pets or show animals in circuses, illegal zoos or by private
people. These individuals have often been maltreated and severely
neglected. The Dutch sanctuary
Stichting AAP in Almere provides shelter and the
professional care confiscated individuals need for their recovery and
Many nonhuman primate species, among them all great ape species, are
at the verge of extinction. Hunting for bush meat, logging, human
encroachment and diseases are all reducing their numbers to dangerously
low levels.
Selection of conservation projects world wide:
"Individual animals make up the species, and that's been my life's
work - recognizing the value of the individual." Jane Goodall